Hesketh Enthronement 26th October 2022
After the period of lockdowns and everything else that life managed to through at us during the last four-years, Hesketh Conclave bravely made an attempt at normality on Wednesday 26th October.
At the Divisional Meeting in September, the Intendant General, R.Ill Kt. Graham Edwin Williams had announced that Hesketh Conclave would host the first team visit on the new season. Absolutely no pressure there then!
P.S. Jon Measures, I.G. Graham Williams & Vic Parker Eusebius
Amidst the hustle and bustle of everyday life and our Sovereigns extended sojourn around Europe in his newly acquired motor home, followed by a trip in it to Scotland and then a trip to Yorkshire, he and his ritual books are amongst the best travelled in the Division, it was there that the extensive work was commenced.
So, it was with much relief when Ron Gates turned up for practice! Our Conclave Marshal, Derek Alty had taken the time and trouble to set out for Ron as Sovereign and Jon Measures as Viceroy just what was expected of them.
Dep I.G. Stephen Gregory P.S. Jon Measures,
I.G. Graham Williams & Vic Parker Eusebius
The Conclave was opened in due form and following a period of silence in respect of the passing our HM Queen Elizabeth II, the administrative procedures were quickly despatched and following a report, The Deputy Divisional Marshal entered the Conclave and announced that the Intendant General accompanied by the Officers of the Division were outside, and he demanded admission.
The Divisional Team entered the Conclave under an arch of steel lead by their Captain Jason Nash. Graham accepted the conclave baton and introduced the team to all present. The Salutations followed after which Graham returned the baton to Ron in order that the main work of the evening could be conducted.
Now Joined with Ron Gates Installing Sovereign and Darren Brown Div.Dep.Mar.
Sadly, our Marshal was unwell and not able to be with us at the last practice , or on the enthronement night. Thankfully, the Deputy Divisional Marshal, Darren Brown, agreed to Marshal the Enthronement and Consecration ceremonies, and what an excellent job he made of it.
Jon Measures was obligated as Puissant Sovereign followed by the Viceroy elect, Vic Parker.
The two ‘inner workings’ of those offices were soon carried out with a sincerity and depth of feeling adding to the enjoyment for all who witnessed them.
The remainder of the Knights were admitted and the officers were soon appointed and invested.
The Intendant General, his deputy Stephen Gregory and the team retired again under an arch of steel.
The Conclave discharged their remaining duties and the Conclave was soon closed.
There was time for a quick photocall before we all retired to a very pleasant two course meal befitting the occasion.
Whilst the evening had been affected by the absence of both Conclave members and Visitor numbers due to illness, those present worked well as a team and all agreed that they had enjoyed a wonderful evening of Red Cross Masonry.
Hesketh Conclave currently meets at Chorley Masonic Hall on the last Wednesday in October, February and April. If you wish to visit or to join our numbers please contact the Conclave recorder (me) via the Webmaster, OH, that’s me as well!
Report and Photo’s by Mike Beesley P.G.Chamb.